Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Flawless Skin: The basic tips you need to try!

I get so many questions about my skin! It's crazy... People think that using certain face washes or creams is the secret to having beautiful/flawless skin,whereas the truth is that these products may help but they will not be as effective as working with your skin on the inside. When it comes to skin care,the first thing that would pop into your head is trying to find the right products. Not a bad idea, but a better idea would be to try and fix things first.For example, If you are someone with severe acne, try visiting a dermatologist to cure your acne first and then maintain a suitable routine for your skin. I'm no pro here but so many experts and guru's swear by really simple things and you won't believe what a difference they make! Such as;drinking lots of water. I swear by this! It's a powerful medicine that is tasteless, calorie less and couldn't be easier to find. A personal preference is to drink at least 2 -3liters a day. The only downside here is the bathroom trips, but doing this will seriously give you a youthful, healthy glow by flushing out all the bad toxins in your body as well as the numerous added health benefits. Try measuring out the amounts you drink for easier count, I re-use a bottle which I know the capacity of to help keep track of how many liters till I hit the target. Another thing I always do is to constantly wash my face and regularly scrub it accordingly. If you're in class or at work, try keeping your hands off your face as much as possible, this will help keep the germs on your hands away. A basic tip is to wear less makeup, only where it is needed and always take it off as soon as you can! Letting your skin breathe from time to time is really helpful. I've recently come across one of the most beneficial oils out there and that is the Morrocan Argan Oil. I use it at night before bed and I wake up with smoother skin immediately.. I have oily skin and this still works and is proven to be very effective, usually oily skin needs to stay moisturized and hydrated despite the oiliness, I wouldn't use it in the morning but letting it sit on my skin overnight is the best option so far. The last thing I never leave home without is sunscreen, research has proven that wearing sunscreen does help with reducing the amount of wrinkles overtime and does protect your skin from harmful diseases which may occur in the future. I prefer an SPF 50 oil free formula that won't clog pores,if you're not a fan of heavy sunscreen, luckily there are numerous formulas and skin care products that have an added SPF so you wouldn't have to worry about that. :) I hope my tips have helped,these are all just things that I have personally tried which I do believe in, I am no expert in any way. I also apologize for not writing for so long. Thank you x
Love, Farida Sherif xx

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