Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Potential Gratitude

 Why do we always overlook the things we own? Constantly searching for something pleasurable to do rather than just enjoying the comfort of being surrounded by family, & having a good time. Personally, I’ve always kept wish lists  of small things that I want to get, keeping a goal in mind that once I own everything on that list I will finally be content. Never realising that, the more time spent on completing these lists, the more they grew.My wish lists became ever-expanding.Thinking about it, it somehow means that Im never going to feel happy.. That is actually a fact, translated as scarcity, occurring when people’s wants exceed the available factors of production.
 I wish I had realised this earlier. Not really.. but somehow I’m glad i did. You see, once you stop talking for a while, and you start listening, you’ll realise what will really make you happy, and in order to start the search on what your true happiness comes in, you must consider a few things. First and foremost, find out who actually cares about you.. Since you can’t hold people up to a light to tell which ones are true and which are fake, unfortunately.. you’re going to have to do it the hard way..Perhaps by doing something differently, or instead of greeting everyone you see, wait and see who will come greet you first, then you’ll have a brief idea on whether people actually bother. Results from this step are not final, but they add up to a large number of people, mostly your ‘close’ friends. Maybe you’re lucky and blessed with numerous admirers, then, this is not for you. What you could do is, try disappearing for a week and see who actually calls you, or throw your phone in the back of your closet for a couple days to find out who would really bother reaching you, if someone ends up at your house thinking something happened to you, they’re most probably keepers, unless they ask you for something…
 The second step would be to go out and get yourself something nice, something you’ve always wanted or something that you know you’ll enjoy, no matter how much money you have..(or don’t ). Then go out by yourself, completely alone, to just have a good time,watch a movie, eat dinner at someplace fancy, just go do something you’ve never done before, but do it alone! You will then start to notice things more, things you probably wouldn’t if you were caught up chatting with someone or listening to your mother complain about how the food is not enough and you should’ve just eaten at home for a fraction of the price,etc… Many things go by unnoticed, like the atmosphere of just thinking about anything, being able to hear new sounds and new voices, just free yourself of all that is stressful, and get lost.
 Naturally,before a third step, one would’ve achieved a slight sense of satisfaction if not completely content by the simple things life has to offer. Just like the sun setting, changing the colour of the sky, gradually bringing out the stars till the moon is finally ready to grace us with his presence.. The blues, purples, reds and yellows, hints of green here and there make me feel really comfortable.. 
 They say money can’t buy happiness, after hearing many respond with :”whoever said that simply didn’t know where to shop!!” I’d beg to differ, for I personally find that the best things in life come free, and you need not have anything at all to be happy, but a kind heart and a sweet smile.. 
Farida Sh.

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